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Series of semi-related sources

So, ideas: Particle Accelerators, Relativity, Dark matter and Dark energy, harnessing fusion for power. It seems that my mind really wanted to know how to create sustainable energy with particle accelerators or similar technology. In order to know how to create power, I needed knowledge. So I went to the knowledge factory, known as a library to pick up a few books to specific thesis.

A question that I had in my head was can particle accelerators in the future replicate dark matter? Can we by knowing the properties of dark matter create our own? Can we then derive dark energy?! Although, dark matter and dark energy sounded like the names of the evil creations of the mystic arts, maybe understanding them help the human race. I mean understanding gravity led to us flying and a baby experiences before they are even born. So, my first task was to understand what the current particles that we had in our disposal were. I looked to the book, A Palette of Particles for the answers. However, all the book did was leave me with more confusion. Rather than actually explain the particles or the methodology of discovering the particles, the book was more about the scientists and their history which was incredibly boring. I don't care about your account of meeting the scientist, I just want to the science, Bernstein. In all fairness, I'm sure a scientific history might've been interested in some parts, but, personally I think the book fails to explain both the historical and the scientific coherently or interestingly for that matter. I also looked at this article:

Particle collision thought to replicate Big Bang forces, may help explain how things exist


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