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Elevation of Education: Explanations and Expansions

Personalized Learning: Modest Gains, Big Challenges, RAND Study Finds Aside from that super intriguing title, the article is interesting, but not groundbreaking. As much as we would like to have a personal aristotle, the system is not so kind . There just isn’t enough resources to allocate to more individualized education and technology is just not as effective at detecting and solving the shortcomings of the students as an experienced teacher. This is why Charter schools like Brooklyn Tech can be so effective. If there was a way to do weekly check-ins with maybe a few students at a time would be awesome but teachers are unfortunately already underpaid and overworked enough.

Look, this article’s sentiments I agree with. I am always able to get through the classes with grades without too much effort and that’s what I have relied on all my life. The grades gave me validation that I didn’t have to work harder, thus I put my time into other things. However, a pass or fail system should still be in place keep a little accountability for students and teachers. This system should also start with kindergartners (which is what I think the common core should’ve done) rather than introducing it randomly in high school. This will eliminate the culture of emphasis on grades at a young age rather than an abrupt freedom to teenagers without any clear consequences. What seems to be really concerning is that it seems like a lot of policies is based on making the college admissions' lives easier rather than helping the students' learning and psyche. But hey, that’s just my two-cents.

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