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I thought it would be appropriate to start this journal with a GIF of my lord and savior, Neil DeGrasse Tyson. His documentary series Cosmos (which I recently re-watched) did inspire me. I've decided to do focus my project on

.................................................................................Drum roll....................................................................................

Space Colonization!

Yeah, not very grounded and down-to-earth (pun intended). However, I wanted to combine my love of Astronomy and Alternate Sources of Energy so I will be focusing on the following questions:

1. Is Space Colonization possible?

2. What are the bodies are possible candidates for a new home?

3. How much energy would be required for such travel? Where would we get it?

a. Is fusion possible?

4. What is the estimated time of travel?

I think I am going to structure this like a funding for research proposal. Try to find the best methods/locations possible currently and maybe in the near future. Maybe I'll try to figure out costs and production time as well. I did a similar, less complex proposal with a group in the summer before 7th grade at the ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Summer Science Camp at RPI, so will be an updated version of that. At that camp, my group had to compete with others to create the best proposal for research for a location we were assigned (including the ocean). We had to present it to real NASA scientists and living astronauts. I was given Mars, and I lost :(. But that was what exposed me to space science and I have been flying that rocket-ship ever since.

(drum roll

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